Know Thy Self
This site is to help people remember who they are at their core being. I am looking for my spiritual family so we can finish the task we started many thousands of years ago.
Existence and The Primary Purpose of Life
by Vance Lohoff
Last update 10/23/23
A guide to graduating and moving into the next stage of being.
Purpose of This Web Sight
To help guide people towards nullifying their EGO or mind made self. This is my truth and understanding taken from past life memories, spiritual communications, teachings and writings.
We are all spiritual beings having a human experience. But why? Simple, it is the most expedient way to expand ones consciousness. In other words remaining in the spiritual realm only allows a consciousness to grow a small amount over the same time experience. Experienced time in the physical realm expands consciousness much faster than the spiritual. Time from the perspective of the 5th dimension is not linear as it is in the 4th so one can incarnate along any point of the time line. But there is a catch. When one comes into this physical life experience one brings only a small amount of its consciousness and it becomes overshadowed by a mind created sense of self. The mind collects experiences, concepts, ideas, desires, passions and so on to create who it is. This is both the allure and the trap of human (or any physical sentient being) existence. Many religions have been created around people who have nullified their EGO or mind created self. Buddha, Jesus, Krishna and Muhammad are a few of the more popular ones. If you are interested in finishing what you started when you embarked on this adventure we call life, here are some explanations and pointers to get you started.
1 Foundation
1.1 Dimensions
Every dimension exists within or is a subset of the next higher dimension. Multiple dimensions of the same type or lower can exist within the next higher dimension. For example, in the third dimension many atoms can exist in a molecule. You can think of it as bubbles within bubbles, but that is a crude analogy for something that is vastly more complex.
zero dimension = energy, quantum foam or zero point field
1st dimension = atomic particles
2nd dimension = groups of atoms and simple molecules
3rd dimension = complex groups of molecules and life forms
4th dimension = Time and Memory (The Akashic Records)
5th dimension = Cohesive self sustaining individual consciousness or spiritual realm
6th dimension = Group Consciousness or God Realm or Universe
7th dimension = Creator Gods or collective Consciousness or multi-verse
8th dimension and beyond?
1.2 Creation
Before time and space there was consciousness and energy. This consciousness discovered there was dark matter within its body and that it could use the zero point field energy to spin the dark matter. Faster and faster the dark thing spun until suddenly a great light burst out and many of the particles were freed (the big bang). The first, second, third and fourth dimensions of the universe were thus created. The creator found that it could place some of it’s consciousness in every particle according to the size and complexity of the matter. The creator and its sub-consciousnesses found they could influence the interaction of these particles to create complex lifeforms. The creators found that consciousness would grow with time and that consciousness was able to inhabit and operate more and more complex lifeforms. Eventually these new super consciousnesses were able to leave and create there own universes. And this process is still continuing. It is believed that we are in the 4th expansion of this universe, and there are many universes.
1.3 Incarnation
In order to interact with the physical dimensions and linear time a consciousness must interface with a physical life form. This is usually done during the creation of the new life form but not always. In humans it happens at conception when the DNA strains of the ovum merge with the DNA strains of the sperm. The energy patterns of the inhabiting consciousness determine which connections are made between the two strains to create the most compatible body for that consciousness. This is why a person often looks a lot like his/her last incarnation and tends to re-incarnate into the same family line. Before a consciousness incarnates it must go through the God of this realm whom gives it a life preview of it’s next incarnation. This is the reason why one sometimes thinks an event has happened before, Deja Vu, the preview was not completely erased. If a consciousness is sufficiently large it can operate multiple bodies even if they are in different galaxies or universes (extremely rare). Incarnating is one way to grow ones consciousness. Another way is to convince lesser consciousnesses to join you by giving their devotion and energy up for your cause in the form of worship and selfless service to its will. Many lower Gods choose this path to grow their consciousness because it is faster and easier. Below is a time line of a complete physical life cycle.
2. Awareness
2.1 Differences Between False Self and True Self

The diagram represents spirit having a human experience. The blue area represents the 5th dimension, the yellow line the 4th dimension, and the gray region the 3rd dimension. Each time we start a life we have no False Self or EGO (the region in green). Before the first year of life the False Self is insignificant and has made little or no impact on human history. Before this time the spirit can choose to exit the body and return to the 5th Dimension. This is also know as “Sudden Infant Death Syndrome”. Our waking consciousness or awareness is represented by the red line that separates our True Self or I AM from our EGO. This awareness grows during ones life time as well as the EGO. Currently about 99.98% of the people on this planet will never erase their EGO and so they will reincarnate to try again. Some people find relief from their EGO moments before death, but most die in a great deal of fear as the EGO witnesses its own demise. If the EGO is completely disconnected from I AM (you believe you are your EGO) and it is totally attached to it’s physical existence than that consciousness will remain trapped in the third and forth dimensions unless there is a divine intervention. This kind of consciousness can be called a Hungry Ghost that yearns for all it’s past self indulgences but can no longer interact with the 3rd dimension. This would be the closest thing to a hell. Fortunately your True Self can go on to reincarnate again so your True Self is never lost. EGO cannot exist in the next realm of existence and to enter with it means instant death. To ascend you must give up your False Self and embrace your True Self. Like any change in ones life you must first be totally aware and in complete acceptance of the problem.
In order to be aware of your EGO and separate it from your True Self you must know how to recognize them. Here is a list of characteristics to help you be more aware of them.
I AM or True Self | EGO or False Self |
Acceptance | Resistance, Control |
Patience | Impatience |
Compassion | Revenge, Domination |
Intuition or Knowingness | Thinking, Reasoning, Intellectualizing |
Joy | Pain and Punishment |
Clairvoyance | Sight |
Clair-audience | Hearing |
Present moment or time, now | Future, Past |
Inspiration | Discouragement or Negative Thoughts |
Peace | Suffering |
Stillness | Unrest |
Organized | Chaotic |
Congruence | Dissonance |
Honor | Disrespect |
Needs, Wants, or Desires | |
Most Emotions or Feelings (even love) | |
Attachment | |
Self Gratification | |
Fear | |
Anger | |
Competition and Argumentation | |
Boastfulness | |
Jealousy |
Of course this is a general list and many more things could be added to the EGO side but this should be sufficient for you to be aware of the differences between the True Self and False Self.
2.2 Being Aware of The True Self and The EGO
The best way to shed light on the EGO is to view it from the perspective of your True Self or the I AM part of your consciousness. One method is to use the technique of awareness watching awareness. This method is described in the book “The Most Rapid and Direct Means to Eternal Bliss“. Simple put: sit quietly, close your eyes and turn your awareness back around onto itself to observe what is behind your awareness and move your consciousness into that space. This is the kingdom of heaven Jesus referred to which is found within you. The list above will help you identify your True Self. The presence behind your awareness or source of your awareness is your True Self, your I AM. Come to know it as God knows it’s Self and you will be able to detach from and nullify your False Self or EGO.
2.3 Nullifying The EGO
The EGO will only disappear when you stop feeding it and interacting with it. Remember, that which you resist persists so fighting with it will only strengthen it. Telling people your story about your suffering or successes only serves to strengthen your EGO. Being in present time is important since the False Self considers it unimportant and this is where you have the most power over it. Being aware of the modus operandi of the EGO is the key to avoid falling into habitual patterns which support it. The list above will help you to identify when the False Self is operating. You will find that almost everything you do and think will be supporting and feeding your EGO. The music you listen to, the shows you watch, the books you read, the things you talk about (even discussing spiritual teachings), the games you play or watch, even the foods you eat can be feeding your Ego. The mind loves a puzzle but can never understand your true nature so studying how to become enlightened will never work because that involves the mind which is not you. You have taken a lifetime building and supporting your False Self and it will take some time and persistence to nullify it. This is what we all signed up for when we incarnated and everyone can succeed. If you have had a very traumatic life it only means you are an advanced soul with many lifetimes of experience. In this way we all have a level playing field from which to graduate from.
2.3 Helpful guides and teachings
Books:The Most Rapid and Direct Means to Eternal Bliss
The Way of The Wizard
by Deepak Chopra
The Way of The Wizard at Amazon
The Flowering of Human Consciousness: Everyone’s Life Purpose
by Eckhart Tolle
Eckhart Tolle-The Flowering of Human Consciousness-CD1-1 on Youtube
The Flowering of Human Consciousness: Everyone’s Life Purpose (2001) DVD at Amazon
Brain Trainer by ADVELEX
3. So Whats Next?
Church of Divine Source and Science